Early Learning Hub

Care Connect

January 24, 2025

Who For: Parents who have been approved for ERDC but have yet to find a childcare provider.

Who is Hosting: Family Forward Oregon partnered with The Early Learning Hub of Linn, Benton, and Lincoln Counties, Family Connections at Linn Benton Community College, United Way of Linn, Benton, and Lincoln Counties, and the Oregon Department of Human Services Self Sufficiency Partners.

What: Care Connect is an event for families who are approved for the Employment-Related Day Care (ERDC) program but have had difficulty finding a childcare provider. Join us for an opportunity to meet local providers, participate in a sticker treasure hunt, and enter for a chance to win exciting raffle prizes - all while potentially finding a childcare provider!

When & Where: Thursday, February 13th from 6:30-8:30 PM at the Boys & Girls Club of the Greater Santiam (gym), and Saturday, February 15th from 10 AM-12 PM at the Albany Public Library (Community Meeting Room)

Why: You are not alone in struggling to find a childcare provider. In fact, there are approximately 8,000 families in Oregon approved for ERDC who are still looking for a provider. Childcare is vital for both families and providers, and Family Forward Oregon created Care Connect to bridge this gap. This event is a welcoming space for families in Lebanon and Albany to meet local childcare providers and make connections that support both family and provider needs.

Registration Links: familyforward.org/careconnect


Linn County Care Connect Flyer - English