Early Learning Hub

Exciting Changes to Employment Related Day Care Coming July 1

June 5, 2023

On July 1, the new Department of Early Learning and Care (DELC) is expanding eligibility for affordable child care through the Employment Related Day Care (ERDC) program. Families will now be able to receive cash assistance from Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and get help paying for child care from ERDC at the same time. The current TANF child care program will end because ERDC will provide families more flexible child care assistance.

Starting July 1, there will be fewer reasons for child care assistance to end within 12 months. Cases will no longer close if a family cannot find a provider within three months. ERDC benefits will continue if a caretaker loses their job or stops attending school.

We invite you to share this information with providers, partners, and families through the 7/1 ERDC Flyers, available in 5 languages at the links below and attached.