Universal Home Visiting - Community Input requested
The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) is rolling out a Universally offered Newborn Nurse Home Visiting program in Oregon. For more information please see https://www.familyconnectsoregon.org/.
The Universally offered Newborn Nurse Home Visiting Program is governed by Oregon Administrative Rules 333-006-0000 through 333-006-1060. The Oregon Health Authority will amend these rules to provide additional clarity on the criteria for Newborn Nurse Home Visiting services and the use of telehealth to provide these services. Rule 333-006-170, which permits use of telehealth during a public health emergency, will be rescinded as of July 30, 2022 to align with the end of the Governor-declared Covid-19 public health emergency on April 1, 2022.
OHA will also adopt new rules to establish a way for commercial health insurance companies to reimburse the cost of providing Universally offered Newborn Nurse Home Visiting services as requested in Senate Bill 1555 which passed in March 2022. The Maternal and Child Health Section of the Oregon Health Authority will convene a Rules Advisory Committee (RAC) to advise on these rule changes.
The Oregon Health Authority values the input of community members on these rules. The Rules Advisory Committee will have two slots available for community members. Community members could be former or potential recipients of Universally Offered Newborn Nurse Home Visiting services or other members of the community who may be interested or affected by the services. OHA will reimburse community members $25.00 per hour for RAC service. In order to process payment, community members will be required to submit a completed W-9 form.
The first meetings of the RAC will be conducted virtually and are scheduled for May 26, 2022 from 8:30-10am and June 1, 2022 from 3-4:30pm. Additional meetings will continue through August 2022, please see the table below for dates and times. Draft proposed rules will be available closer to the first RAC meeting date at: Oregon Health Authority : Family Connects Oregon : Home Visiting : State of Oregon.
We would really like to have some of our local partners on this committee. If you are interested, please don't hesitate to volunteer.
LeAnne Trask, BA, AS, SMSC
Pollywog Coordinator