Early Learning Hub

Caring for your sick child at home

January 4, 2023

Mother check fever her infant at home, measuring temperature to a baby.


The average child gets about 6-8 colds a year with stuffy noses, sneezing, fever, and cough. The Pollywog Parent newsletter for January 2023 shares some tips for caring for your sick child at home and knowing when to call the doctor. https://tinyurl.com/ywj7xj8



A toddler infected by the flu virus is being spoon fed some homemade soup by his dad.


El niño promedio tiene entre 6 y 8 resfriados al año con congestión nasal, estornudos, fiebre y tos. El boletín para padres Pollywog de enero de 2023 comparte algunos consejos para cuidar a su hijo enfermo en casa y saber cuándo llamar al médico. https://tinyurl.com/3fffvbrf