The Child Care Resource and Referral for our region, led by Jerri Wolfe from LBCC's Family Connections, will host a recurring on-line meeting every Friday, beginning at 1:00pm. The Early Learning Hub of Linn, Benton, and Lincoln Counties invites all childcare partners to join in to learn what is happening in Oregon regarding childcare during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Our topics for this meeting will be the most recent updates from the State: new Temporary order, update on emergency grants, background check audit in the news, Early Learning Partner letter (regarding intent to award), and changes to ERDC. There will also be time for questions, concerns and updates.
Agenda and handouts will be available prior to the meeting.
This meeting will take place via Zoom.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 949 7241 0114
Password: 089979