Early Learning Hub
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Monday, April 23, 2018, 6-7:30pm
Clemens Primary School Library
535 S. 19th Street, Philomath, OR

A free evening workshop with Sunny Bennett, brought to you by Strengthening Rural Families

Summer is coming - What a great time to prepare your child for kindergarten. ABCs and 123s are a good start, but come learn what else you can do to ensure a successful school experience for your child!

  • Fun and easy things you can build into your routine
  • Make and take an easy, everyday preparation tool
  • Feel confident the first day of school

Monday, April 23rd
6:00-7:30 pm @
Clemens Primary School Library


Bringing kids? We will provide free, on-site childcare up to age 10.

Please reserve childcare spaces by Thursday, 4/19.


Contact Laura by email laura.srf@ruralfamilies.org or at the SRF office (541) 929-2535 to get signed up.

Sp18 PH K Readiness Game Changers