Early Learning Hub

Universally Offered Home Visiting (UoHV) Amendments Finalized

August 8, 2022

The Amendments to the Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs) for the “Universally Offered Newborn Nurse Home Visiting Program" chapter 333, division 6 have been finalized. The rules were filed and are effective July 29, 2022.

Of note, OAR 333-006-0170 which permitted use of telehealth services during a declared public health emergency was repealed. OAR 333-006-0120 was amended and now includes this language: (8) If a family declines home visiting services in their home, an alternate location may be offered, and telemedicine services must be offered and delivered in accordance with ORS 743A.058. Declination of home visiting services in the home must be documented in the client's medical record.

In practice, the rules require that all families be offered a Family Connects Integrated Home Visit (IHV) in the home. If the family declines the visit, another location (e.g. office) can be offered and a telemedicine visit must be offered. These rules are in alignment with the Family Connects May 2022 COVID 19 Updated Guidance that requires a virtual visit be offered to families who are not yet comfortable with an in-home visit. The rules are specific to the Universally Offered Newborn Nurse Home Visiting Program (Family Connects Oregon) and do not apply to the other Public Health Nurse Home Visiting Programs (Babies First!, CaCoon, Nurse Family Partnership).

For more information about this amendment, please contact Joan Mullen Woods at Oregon.UOHV@dhsoha.state.or.us.

For more information about the Family Connects program in Linn, Benton and Lincoln Counties, please contact Pollywog at  pollywog@linnbenton.edu  or 541-917-4884.