Early Learning Hub

Future of the Oregon Health Plan

September 13, 2023

Oregon will become the first state to provide up to six months of rent assistance to Medicaid recipients. The benefits will first be available to people who are at risk of losing their current housing to prevent them from becoming homeless, which can severely impact one’s health.

The rent assistance is part of a groundbreaking request to the federal government to expand Oregon’s Medicaid benefits, also known as the Oregon Health Plan (OHP). If the federal government approves the proposed timeline, OHP will make rent assistance available to qualified members starting Nov. 1, 2024.

Other elements of the OHP benefit expansion request include climate-related supports, such as air conditioners, to reduce health risks during extreme heat emergencies, or air filters to protect from the respiratory effects of wildfire smoke. This benefit would become available to qualified OHP members starting Jan. 1, 2024.

Additionally, nutrition benefits, such as medically tailored meals, would become available to qualified OHP members starting Jan. 1, 2025.

For more information, read the Oregon Health Authority news release: https://ow.ly/v0Yr50PJvHz