Early Learning Hub

Cold Weather Resources

January 12, 2024

🌨️ When the wind blows, the snow falls and the temperature drops, take care of each other. ❄️

Check with your family, friends and neighbors who are vulnerable to the cold, including older adults, infants and children, people with illnesses or disabilities, and pets. Call 211 for local resources and warming centers: 211info.org/winter-and-severe-weather-shelters.


🌨️ Cuando sopla el viento, cae la nieve y baja la temperatura, cuidémonos entre todos. ❄️

Consulte con su familia, amigos y vecinos que son vulnerables al frío, incluidos adultos mayores, bebés y niños, personas con enfermedades o discapacidades y mascotas. Llame al 211 para recursos locales y centros de calentamiento: 211info.org/winter-and-severe-weather-shelters.