Early Learning Hub


Partner Spotlight in The Parent Voice

January 11, 2022


Pollywog wants you for a Partner Spotlight!

We're looking to share partner agency information in our Parent Voice blog.  We want to spotlight your agency.  Please send us 800-1000 works on what services you offer and what a family can expect when they contact you.  We can include your photos too!

If your agency would like to participate, please get in touch with us at pollywog@linnbenton.edu

Preschool Promise expansion survey

January 7, 2022

Providers - There's still time to share your interest in the Preschool Promise program by taking this survey!

In the 2022-2023 program year, the Early Learning Division (ELD) will expand the Preschool Promise program. To help determine the level of expansion, ELD invites you to complete the survey about your program’s capacity and interest in Preschool Promise.

Survey deadline: Monday, January 10, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. (PST).

Want to join an exciting team?

January 3, 2022


The Early Learning Hub is looking for a Business Liaison to jumpstart new childcare facilities!

This individual will act as a catalyst between private and public sectors in identifying opportunities to increase quality childcare through aligning employer participation, capital, land, and public-private partnerships.

Please visit our website to find out more!

Pollywog is for Partners

December 20, 2021

Our Pollywog Facebook page is not just for families!  Partners are encouraged to follow us to be informed about the services and resources available and of interest to the families in our community.


The Pollywog Facebook page shares information about community resources and events, along with parenting tips and activities.  If your agency has an announcement or event that you would like us to share, please get in touch with us at pollywog@linnbenton.edu.  By following our page, you will stay informed about what’s happening with Pollywog and our partners.


Free Preschool Page on Pollywog!

December 14, 2021

The Free Preschool page on the Pollywog website is live. This page currently includes Kidco Head Start, CSC Head Start of Lincoln County, OSU Child Development Center, Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians Head Start, and Preschool Promise. It may also include Relief Tree and Old Mill Center in the future. We would love to have all our partners with publicly funded preschools included someday.

This page offers parents information about many free, quality educational preschool options in their area. It links to program overviews and other preschool enrollment information. We also share that parents are welcome to call Pollywog consultants to get personal help sorting through their options.

We have had positive feedback about the new Free Preschool page. The Early Learning Division asked Kristi to present this project to other Early Learning Hubs as an example of our successful collaboration.


Partners as Guest Bloggers for Pollywog

December 14, 2021


We are inviting all of our partners to consider writing guest blog for Pollywog.  We would love to share a blog written by you on a topic related to your work and important to families with children ages 0-5 years.


If your agency would like to participate, please contact us as pollywog@linnbenton.edu


December 3, 2021

Benton County has secured $225,000 to provide emergency childcare and student assistance to low-to-moderate income residents of Benton County. The funding comes from Business Oregon's Community Development Block Grant COVID Impact Assistance Funds. Benton County is one of only three jurisdictions in the state to be awarded Impact Assistance Funds for childcare from Business Oregon.

The County is partnering with the United Way of Linn, Benton & Lincoln Counties and Sequoia Consulting to distribute these funds.

The goal of the project is to support parents to return to work. The project will accomplish this by providing 100% scholarships for children 0-18 from low-to-moderate income families to attend childcare and student care programming between November 1, 2021-August 31, 2022.

“Benton County is thrilled to support this project. All parents deserve to have a safe and supportive place for their children while they work. These funds will allow parents in Benton County to afford childcare, while supporting our local child-serving organizations.” -Commissioner Xan Augerot, Benton County

To be eligible, an organization must be a state-regulated organization (childcare, after school care, Club Organization, etc.) with the State of Oregon that is providing childcare or student care programming in Benton County. The application for grant funding can be accessed here: https://forms.gle/N5XnTwEACATrBVweA.
DUE DATE: Applications will be accepted between December 2, 2021 until December 17, 2021. Grantees will be notified by December 31st.

If you have any questions, please contact Rachael Maddock-Hughes at rachael@sequoiaconsulting.org.

2 de diciembre de 2021 — Condado Benton, OR—

El Condado Benton ha obtenido $ 225,000 para brindar cuidado infantil de emergencia y asistencia para estudiantes, a residentes de bajos a moderados ingresos en el Condado Benton. Los fondos provienen del (Community Development Block Grant COVID Impact Assistance Fund) Fondo de Asistencia de Impacto COVID de la Beca para el Desarrollo Comunitario de Business Oregon. El Condado Benton es una de las tres jurisdicciones del estado que han recibido Fondos de Asistencia de Impacto para el cuidado de niños(as) de Business Oregon.
El Condado se está asociando con United Way de Linn, los Condados Benton & Lincoln y Sequoia Consulting, para distribuir estos fondos.

El objetivo del proyecto es ayudar a los padres a regresar al trabajo. El proyecto logrará esto al proporcionar becas del 100% para niños(as) de 0 a 18 años, de familias de ingresos bajos a moderados, para que asistan a programas de cuidado infantil y cuidado de estudiantes, entre el 1 de noviembre de 2021 y el 31 de agosto de 2022.

“El Condado Benton está encantado de apoyar este proyecto. Todos los padres merecen tener un lugar seguro y de apoyo para sus hijos(as) mientras trabajan. Estos fondos permitirán que los padres en el Condado Benton puedan pagar el cuidado de niños(as), al mismo tiempo que apoyan a nuestras organizaciones locales de servicios a niños(as) ". -Comisionada Xan Augerot, Condado Benton

Para ser elegible, una organización debe ser una organización regulada por el estado (cuidado de niños(as), cuidado después de la escuela, organización de clubes, etc.) registrada con el estado de Oregon, qué proporcione programas de cuidado de niños(as) o de estudiantes a el Condado Benton. Se puede acceder a la solicitud de fondos de becas aquí: https://forms.gle/N5XnTwEACATrBVweA

FECHA DE VENCIMIENTO: Las solicitudes se aceptarán entre el 2 de deciembre de 2021 y el 17 de diciembre de 2021. Se notificará a los beneficiarios antes del 31 de diciembre 2021.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con Rachael Maddock-Hughes en el correo electrónico: rachael@sequoiaconsulting.org

Pollywog Holiday Activity Guide

November 29, 2021

Looking for ways to add a bit of magic to your family’s holiday season? Check out the December Pollywog Parent Newsletter! We have listed many local low-cost or free local holiday activities. Also, get some holiday craft ideas to entertain your little ones while helping them work on important developmental skills.

¿Está buscando maneras de añadir un poco de magia a los días festivos para su familia? Consulte El Boletín Para los Padres Diciembre 2021 de Pollywog! Hemos enlistado varias actividades locales en estos días festivos que son gratis o de bajo costo. También las manualidades navideñas son una gran manera de entretener a sus pequeños y al mismo tiempo ayudarles a trabajar en desarrollar habilidades importantes.

Jumpstart 2021 by the Numbers

November 23, 2021


A total of 2.3 MILLION readers from all around the world participated in Jumpstart's Read for the Record this year.  The Early Learning Hub helped 40 agencies and childcare providers read Amy Wu and the Patchwork Dragon by Kat Zhang to almost 1000 young children.


Thank you to all who joined us in supporting young children and prioritizing early education this year!



2021 Pollywog Holiday Resource Guide

November 1, 2021

We at Pollywog Family and the Early Learning Hub hope that all in our community have what they need to celebrate the upcoming holidays. Do you need some extra help during the holidays or do you have a little extra to give this year? Check out the Pollywog Holiday Resource Guide in English or Spanish!